to be determined

a sunaosa anthology project

A pay-what-you-want, free-to-download collection of SunaOsa-centric stories with accompanying artwork, October 11, 2023 to November 10, 2023

Project complete

About the project

This is a SunaOsa centric, fic-focused project that aims to create a collection of fics in a book-like anthology for its contributors, accompanied by a free*, digital-only, temporarily-exclusive release for the public on SunaOsa Day (October 11, 2023).To be determined refers to how Suna and Osamu's relationship often exists in liminality, as well as the resolve each of them have to face each other, and, of course, the idea that their story is still being written, over and over, from many different perspectives and many different fans with the same love for this pairing.

*This project will be available as a pay-what-you-want product, meaning you are both welcome and encouraged to download it for free. However, if you would like to show your appreciation for the creators by means of paying for it that is welcome!

Who are the contributors?

We're a group of creators and internet pals with a common passion for the romantic relationship between Suna and Osamu.The full list of contributors will be revealed over the next few months!


Who is running this?

I go by Esque in fandom spaces. I'm a professional graphic designer that loves the community created through fandom writing and art, and hopes to contribute back to that in some way. This is a personal passion project.

What can we expect in the anthology?

The anthology will have 10 fics with a maximum length of around 15k words each. Every fic will be accompanied by artwork.

Why aren't you selling this or making a physical product for profit?

Short answer: taxes*

Long answer: This project is a compromise of two ideas—old-school zines that were just a group of friends getting together to make something, and modern fanzines that are full scale commercial productions. I think both are valid in different ways. I wanted to make something with friends where everyone could write something they're passionate about, have a finished, quality book at the end of it, and still make it available to the fandom at large in an accessible way.*While this project was conceived as free, it will follow a PWYW (pay-what-you-want) digital distribution model (with a small potential for limited physical preorders). Any profits made are not going towards production, and will be distributed to creators accordingly.

How are contributors compensated?

Contributors will be receiving a physical copy of the book compiling their fics and art.Any profit made through PYWY (pay-what-you-want) payments will be distributed to contributors and not go towards production costs of their physical copies.

Will there be applications for this project?

This project is a collaborative effort by a set group of creators and will not be opening applications.

If this is digital only, why isn't there a larger group of contributors?

As a show of appreciation for contributors' time and works, this project will provide physical copies of the anthology to contributors that are not contingent on sales or other metrics.Since this is a personal passion project, the funding for this endeavor is personal and subject to a financial limit, which in turn limits the number of participants. Thank you for your understanding.

Want to know when the anthology drops?

Please fill out the form linked below to receive an email on release day with the direct download link!